In honor of Jane Emerson, long-time San Diego resident and activist
Saturday, January 13, 2007
School spirit
We have a holiday this coming Monday in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. The city held a parade today to celebrate Dr. King. Many of the local high schools performed in the parade including these Morse High School students from the Step team. Bravo to all the parade participants - it was very cold (for us - temps in the 50's) and windy today and everyone was still smiling!
I guess they're moving so they may not feel the cold too much. The costumes are so colourful though at first glance I thought the girls were barefooted. Angela
voila un beau defile, cela n'existe pas trop en France (les defiles des ecoles) et on peut le regretter.
veiled a beautiful procession, that does not exist too much in France (the processions of the schools) and one can regret it.
I guess they're moving so they may not feel the cold too much.
The costumes are so colourful though at first glance I thought the girls were barefooted.
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